制約管理中心 | 制約理論(TOC)中心
制約理論(TOC)中心旨在提供專業的制約理論培訓。 . 制約理論, 簡而言之, 就是關於進行改進和如何最好地實施這些改進的一套管理理念和管理原則, 幫助企業識別出在實現目標的過程中存在著哪些制約因素──TOC稱之為"約束",並進一步指出如何實施必要的改進來一一消除這些約束,從而更有效地實現企業目標.
制約理論簡介 Introduction of Theory of Constraints
制約理論 (制約理論) 是一種管理思想和方法,它強調了管理者應該識別和消除企業中的瓶頸,以達到最大化績效的目標。制約理論是由以色列物理學家以及管理學家艾略特·戴克拉夫 (Eliyahu M. Goldratt) 在二十世紀八十年代提出的,他將物理學中的科學方法應用於企業管理領域。
1. 識別制約:識別系統中的制約是什麼,制約在哪裡。
2. 決定制約對目標的影響:確定制約對系統目標的影響程度。
3. 解決制約問題:找到解決制約問題的方法。
4. 確定新的制約:當一個制約問題得到解決後,可能會出現新的制約問題。
5. 不斷重複以上四個步驟:制約理論是一個不斷循環的過程,持續不斷地提高效率和績效。
The Theory of Constraints is a management philosophy and methodology that emphasizes the need for managers to identify and eliminate bottlenecks in order to maximize performance. It was developed in the 1980s by Israeli physicist and management expert Eliyahu M. Goldratt, who applied scientific methods from physics to the field of business management.
The core idea of the Theory of Constraints is to improve performance by identifying and eliminating constraints in an organization. A constraint is any factor that limits the performance of a system and prevents it from achieving its goals. Constraints can be resources, equipment, personnel, or any other factor. Goldratt believed that managers should focus on solving constraint problems rather than optimizing non-constraint parts of the system. Only by resolving constraint problems can an organization achieve true efficiency and performance improvement.
The Theory of Constraints proposes a five-step problem-solving method:
1. Identify the constraint: Identify what the constraint is and where it is in the system.
2. Determine the impact of the constraint on the goal: Determine how much the constraint is limiting the achievement of the system’s goals.
3. Solve the constraint problem: Find a solution to the constraint problem.
4. Identify the new constraint: When one constraint problem is solved, new constraint problems may arise.
5. Continuously repeat the first four steps: The Theory of Constraints is an ongoing process that continuously improves efficiency and performance.
As the Theory of Constraints Management Center under the Global Institute of Management, the center applies the Theory of Constraints to practical business management, providing professional consulting services and training courses to help business managers identify and eliminate constraints, and improve enterprise efficiency and performance.